Tuesday, December 27, 2011

bye bye 2011 and welcome 2012:)

we are going to enter 2012 and leave 2011:) . 1st January is the first day of 2012 and everyone should celebrate the new year. Do u make new year resolution?? do you know about resolution:). It is a promise that u make to yourself that in new year u must do these things. U might decide anything, such as change your home furniture, do further education, meet family members and close friends and save money for any special thing u want to buy or not to get into fight with your hubby:) lol
But do u think how fast time runs .i remember when i was 13 i asked my mommy several times when 2000 comes:) but now 2012 come.waooo
I hope this year brings lots of happiness in our life and our every dream come true Insha Allah:)
Every time when new year comes we totally forget about previous year. but this time u think about 2011.Perhaps u have lost many things or many good friends in 2011 or may be u achieved all of ur goals:)
I think new year is the best time to review ur goals:)
i will also celebrate new year but in different style:) just change ur home setting, clean out ur refrigerator,clean ur rooms and give all old stuff (old and used clothes ) to a poor family. Change ur hair style also so that u feel young :)
U should also make a to-do-list for this new year and make a promise to complete tall the task within a year:)
Happy new year:)